Sunday, April 7, 2019

App not setup this app is still in development mode and you don't have access to it

To integrate Facebook with your app you need to create app inside of Facebook developer portal. You can create by using below URL -

Here you will see add a new app option -

Now after creating the app, you will get App ID and App Name from Facebook. This you need to integrate FB in your app.

Now please follow the below steps to integrate FB -

STEP 1: Go to the “Settings” tab and select the “Basic” option. Now add your contact Email.

STEP 2: After step 1 please select “Facebook Login” tab then select “Settings” option from here. Now from top right section enable “Status”. So that your app will be live.

If you got this error - You must provide a valid Privacy Policy URL in order take your app Live. So you need to move in the "Basic Settings" section and make sure all details are valid.

Now, You need to add a Privacy policy URL in the basic setting tab. (Settings -> Basic ->Privacy Policy URL)

After adding this again enable “Status” from the top right corner. Now your app will be available for live users.

Note - If you are in development mode then you can check functionality by using your own FB login details by which you have created FB app. This account doesn't need to make the app live.

The best way to test the app is to create test users of the app. You can create from "Roles" then "users" from the side menu section.


  1. Hello
    I have the same issue , and the app is already a live mode

  2. I have the same issue while the app is already in live mode.
    Do I need to undergo the Individual / Business Verification process?
