Monday, December 28, 2020

React Native Vector Icons

React Native Vector Icons is the best react native libraries to get icons. Here you can see the list of a lot of icons. You can use this for buttons, logos, and nav/tab bars. This is easily customizable. It has 3K+ icons.

Please review below git URL for more information 
( -

You can install this with the help of below command -
npm install --save react-native-vector-icons

Now please follow the instructions mentioned on below URL -

How to apply - After successfully installation please follow the below steps -

Import below line -
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons';

Add icons on your view -
<Icon name="ios-person" size={20} color="#0BB4E4" />

here "ios-person" is the icon name.

Sharing some icons and their names which you can also find on below URL -

stepforward, stepbackward, forward, banckward, caretright, caretleft, 
caretdown, caretup, rightcircle, leftcircle, upcircle, downcircle, 
rightcircleo, leftcircleo, upcircleo, downcircleo, verticleleft, 
verticleright, back, retweet, retweet, shrink, arrowsalt, doubleright,
doubleleft, arrowdown, arrowup, arrowright, arrowleft, down, up, right, 
left, minussquareo, minuscircle, minuscircleo, minus, pluscircleo, 
pluscircle, plus, infocirlce, infocirlceo, info, exclamation, 
exclamationcircle, exclamationcircleo, closecircle, closecircleo, 
checkcircle, checkcircleo, check, close, customerservice, creditcard, 
codesquareo, book, barschart, bars, question, questioncircle, 
questioncircleo, pause, pausecircle, pausecircleo, clockcircle, 
clockcircleo, swap, swapleft, swapright, plussquareo, frown, menufold, 
mail, link, areachart, linechart, home, laptop, star, staro, filter, 
meho, meh, shoppingcart, save, user, videocamera, totop, team, sharealt, 
setting, picture, phone, paperclip, notification, menuunfold, inbox, 
lock, qrcode, tags, tagso, cloudo, cloud, cloudupload, clouddownload, 
clouddownloado, clouduploado, enviroment, enviromento, eye, eyeo, 
camera, camerao, windows, export2, export, circledowno, circledown, hdd, 
ie, delete, enter, pushpino, pushpin, heart, hearto, smile-circle, 
smileo, frowno, calculator, chrome, github, iconfontdesktop, 
caretcircleoup, upload, download, piechart, lock1, unlock, windowso, 
dotchart, barchart, codesquare, plussquare, minussquare, closesquare, 
closesquareo, checksquare, checksquareo, fastbackward, fastforward, 
upsquare, downsquare, leftsquare, rightsquare, rightsquareo, 
leftsquareo, down-square-o, up-square-o, play, playcircleo, tag, tago, 
addfile, folder1, file1, switcher, addfolder, folderopen, search1, 
ellipsis1, calendar, filetext1, copy1, jpgfile1, pdffile1, exclefile1, 
pptfile1, unknowfile1, wordfile1, dingding, dingding-o, mobile1, 
tablet1, bells, disconnect, database, barcode, hourglass, key, flag, 
layout, printer, USB, skin, tool, car, addusergroup, carryout, 
deleteuser, deleteusergroup, man, isv, gift, idcard, medicinebox, 
redenvelopes, rest, Safety, wallet, woman, adduser, bank, Trophy, 
loading1, loading2, like2, dislike2, like1, dislike1, bulb1, rocket1, 
select1, apple1, apple-o, android1, android, aliwangwang-o1, 
aliwangwang, pay-circle1, pay-circle-o1, poweroff, trademark, find, 
copyright, sound, earth, wifi, sync, login, logout, reload1, message1, 
shake, API, appstore-o, appstore1, scan1, exception1, contacts, 
solution1, fork, edit, form, warning, table, profile, dashboard, 
indent-left, indent-right, menu-unfold, menu-fold, antdesign, 
alipay-square, codepen-circle, google, amazon, codepen, facebook-square, 
dropbox, googleplus, linkedin-square, medium-monogram, gitlab, 
medium-wordmark, QQ, skype, taobao-square, alipay-circle, youtube, 
wechat, twitter, weibo, HTML, taobao-circle, weibo-circle, weibo-square, 
CodeSandbox, aliyun, zhihu, behance, dribbble, dribbble-square, 
behance-square, file-markdown, instagram, yuque, slack, slack-square

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Best React Native Libraries and Component

 1. NativeBase - This provides great UI components for React Native and Vue Native apps. This also supports platform specific design. This is a fully open source. It provides some build-in paid/free themes which are available on its market place


2. Teaset - This is a UI library to React Native apps, it gives us 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control. You can find more details on Github.


3. Material Kit React Native - This provides free React Native Apps templates. This provides a large number of components and cards. This has a lot of components to build a great UI of your app. It provides pixel perfect screens. You can view the documentation on this link - 

Material Kit React Native

4. React Native Elements - This is easy to use and supports Expo too. We can also easily customize it's components. Some components names are below -

Avatar, Badge, BottomSheet, Button, ButtonGroup, Card, CheckBox, Divider, Header, HTML style headings, Icon, Image, Input, ListItem, Overlay, Pricing, Rating, SearchBar, Slider, Social Icons / Social Icon Buttons, Tile, Tooltip

React Native Elements

5. Lottie for React Native - This is a good library to add animations into the Apps. 

Lottie for React Native