Saturday, December 26, 2020

Best React Native Libraries and Component

 1. NativeBase - This provides great UI components for React Native and Vue Native apps. This also supports platform specific design. This is a fully open source. It provides some build-in paid/free themes which are available on its market place


2. Teaset - This is a UI library to React Native apps, it gives us 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control. You can find more details on Github.


3. Material Kit React Native - This provides free React Native Apps templates. This provides a large number of components and cards. This has a lot of components to build a great UI of your app. It provides pixel perfect screens. You can view the documentation on this link - 

Material Kit React Native

4. React Native Elements - This is easy to use and supports Expo too. We can also easily customize it's components. Some components names are below -

Avatar, Badge, BottomSheet, Button, ButtonGroup, Card, CheckBox, Divider, Header, HTML style headings, Icon, Image, Input, ListItem, Overlay, Pricing, Rating, SearchBar, Slider, Social Icons / Social Icon Buttons, Tile, Tooltip

React Native Elements

5. Lottie for React Native - This is a good library to add animations into the Apps. 

Lottie for React Native

1 comment:

  1. Do you want to energize your business performance by spending in mobile app development? Get the services from Best React Native Development Company in India and build long-lasting relationships with your valued targeted customers. Mobile app makes businesses be available and visible to customers at all times.
