Saturday, June 8, 2019

How to change project name in flutter

Solution for Android -

This is very simple in flutter, If you want to change the project name which will display on the mobile app. First, open your project in android studio or in any editor and then navigate to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml 

After this, you have to change the label value in AndroidManifest.xml  for android:label 

    android:label=“APP Name”

Just replace “APP Name” with your app name. Now run your project in android simulator/device. 
Note - If changes are not updating then please uninstall your existing build and install again.

Solution for iOS - To update app name in iOS you just need to navigate on below location - 


Now search for “CFBundleName” in Info.plist file and replace its value with your app name. Please check below example - 

<string>APP Name</string>

Now, Run the app in simulator/Device. This will update your app name.

Note - Same as Android if the app name is not updating then please uninstall your existing build and install again.

This will update the app name for both (Android and iOS). 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this helpful guide! Changing the project name in Flutter seems pretty straightforward with your step-by-step instructions. It's great to know that we can easily update the app name for both Android and iOS platforms by making simple edits in the AndroidManifest.xml and Info.plist files respectively. Your clear explanation makes it easy for anyone to follow along. Appreciate the tips about uninstalling the existing build if the changes don't reflect immediately.
